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Lakshya Thakur's blog

Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹, I attribute a lot of my learnings to Internet. And as a developer, a hell lot to Stack Overflow, Youtube, Blogs, Docs, Social Media(Linkedin and Twitter) and I guess these mediums just keep on diversifying day by day.

I also believe in sharing my learnings on the Internet because many other people chose to before me and that's how I could learn.

Brief online tech journey till now

  • In 2019, started with Linkedin where I would share my side-projects, posts on technology, developer experiences and more.
  • In 2020, started contributing to Stack Overflow and currently stand at 6500+ reps with 350+ answers and 16 questions, most of which are tagged in JavaScript.
  • In 2020, also got exposure to OSS via contributions for ONOS, thenewboston and Hacktoberfest. This helped me break the hesitation of contributing to OSS codebases. Now and then if an issue gets spotted by me, it's easier to follow the Contribution guidelines and open a merge request.
  • In 2020, started blogging about my learnings as well. The long detailed format has a lot of potential for being creative and definitely suits me.
  • In 2021, I keep doing all the things listed above. No side projects this year. Some mini projects (courtesy of take home assignments) , codesandboxes and codepens definitely (courtesy of practicing for machine coding rounds). I did create a repository which goes by the name of resync on Github. It consists of the concepts that were actually asked in the interviews to me and few other folks.
  • I also joined Hashnode in 2021 as a Software Engineer and am currently working there.
  • What's next ? Shit this was supposed to be a sponsor-me pitch ๐Ÿ˜…

Now that you know a bit about me, you can choose to do the below shut up and take my oney gif

Don't worry I ain't greedy, at least not yet. This sponsors page got activated because of July Coffee Giveaway on Hashnode for which I was one of the awardee. It would be hard to associate monetary value to my content since they were never created with that in mind.

This is the worst pitch for a sponsor page ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ. man saying it ain't much but honest work

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