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Introduction You're scrolling through Twitter (I still like calling it that) or Medium and you get a nice view of the sidebar as it snaps to the...
That's a mouthful title alright !! But this was a challenge which was organized at the end of a Web Performance Bootcamp held by team devkode...
Let's say, we have a DOM element by the name of element and we want to add event listeners to it. How would you do so ? Here are two ways which can...
As per MDN, The Node.contains() method returns a Boolean value indicating whether a node is a descendant of a given node, i.e. the node itself, one...
Today we will implement a Paginator class which will have the following API :- // Initialization const paginator = new...
Star Rating/Review UI is a common sighting across different sites on the Internet. Today, we will implement a simple star rating component using...